Monday, 27 April 2015

red whiskered bulbul

we went for a short vacation..yeeee....and we saw birds :)
yup i`ll drive you crazy for next few weeks coz i have to make so many birds i saw there....the first one on the list is red whiskered bulbul....
 this one jumped all around our cottage like crazy...i loved her

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

project with my kidoo 12

hi everyone...
   both us got busy lil girl and I...i needed some stringy lights for my art wall... i know there are dozens available in the market...but they dont have my mark on it ;) both of us ( mostly me) sat down for this task.. (ordeal i must say) ...i began three weeks ago with the grand idea of making five petal stocking flowers for each of my 80 lights on the string....gosh!!!
    it ate up into so much of my time and by end of two weeks...after using all of my spare time....i managed to finish only forty...i dont know if i was too slow ;)..butttt i got bored..yup
    then v decided to use some beautiful hand painted paper to cover the remaining lights .....nd my lil girl dutifully painted me some....nd they are lovely :)
we wrapped those around our lights....yes we love the effect..hope you guys too :)

the view of my wall with lights :)

                                       yup those are the stocking flowers i was talking about :)

                                                        i love the lights now !!!!

the flower 

my girl`s handiwork :D

Tuesday, 14 April 2015


another of my journals finished....i had such fun filling all its pages....i was actually sorry that it had only so many pages :)...then my lil girl u should paint the cover too...then it`ll be truly urs.
i grapped the idea...although i know its not a new one...but still i needed alil nudge :)
    so at first i thought I`ll make a girl face..front profile...i sketched well but the painting went all bad...nd i lost all the interest...then thought i`ll make a waves and boat kinda thing...that didnt work out as well..
then i kept the journal down nd went out sat in my garden...sitting outside with birds nd flowers always inspires me :)..nd i decided to draw a hibiscus..
and i love the colour ..texture nd whole feel of thing...i hope u guys like it too :)

Tuesday, 7 April 2015


this week i just found out this amazing challenge on the challenge was to make a card...using watercolours :) amongst other things. Watercolours are my favourite medium...i love using them in all my art work ...almosttt ;).
 I have never made a card ever before...i colour my journal pages..i have done canvas..i have painted on cloth..footwear (YUP) ...wood..bottles...but never ever made a card before :) . So with this challenge i broke boundaries ;)...
     i hope you all like it :)

i made the blue background with watecolour and salt technique...then i made this flower and leaf doodle . I then dyed watecolour paper with colours and made these flowers..nd stuck some shiny beads in the middle. I stamped Merci (which means thank you in french) on sheet.Then just stuck everything together...and viola...heres the card...

I loved dyeing the paper for my hand made flowers... :) 

i love stringy thingies...:)

Monday, 6 April 2015


i recently saw some beautiful flowers on an art journal....i had to try them out for myself....i love using all my i went beserk..used pens ,charcoal,watercolours,stamps,glue and what not...and in the end i came up with this ...imperfect yet totally perfect page for my art journal!!!!

Friday, 3 April 2015

project with my kiddoo 11

today i am very excited to share with you all my lil girl`s art!!! last night i told her that she could do whatever she wants to do...but she has to be quiet :)...yup thats a task staying quiet.. ;)
 so she made this amazingly beautiful flower on some random paper which v meant to throw was art in purest form....i was delighted.....the flower was exquisite!!!! it reminded me of this famous quote

the flower made the crazy juices flow inside my head and i made a multi media collage of it...that random piece of paper meant to throw away :). like every mother i would say child delights me to no end...but her constantly  very confident and very creative outlook of life surprises me always..:)
her art always inspires me !!! 

this is my husbands favourite destination....he has been there once...but not a day passes by when he doesnt talk about france once...its his favourite place to go on his travel itinerary..hence finds a place on our bliss collage...there is something of each one of us on this piece :)

yup stitched....adddictedddddddddd

the flower :)

merci !!!