Thursday, 17 November 2016

150 !!!

hi everyone, its been really long since i last blogged :) . 2 months ... longest break i took from blogging ever . But i discovered instagram :) ... i have been posting my stuff on instagram... and it goes with the handle name pracheevash. Although i love blogging i cannot share as much on a blog as i can on instagram so i made the switch. I would love it if you guys checked my profile on instagram:).
Its my 150th post yeee. When i started almost three years back i didnt knew i'd make it this far. I have shared some of my best stuff on this blog.. and would continue to do so... but not with such regularity... or may be regularly when life settles down a bit and its pace is reduced :)
For this special post i have a very special painting i made a few days back. It has a saying which i believe in and is for now my favourite . Hope you like it :)


  1. Lovely fresh painting. Happy PPF

  2. Beautiful art and words. Happy PPF ❤

  3. a lovely painting and quote Prachee. I don't have instagram or I'd follow you. Happy PPF!

    1. oh i so wish you were have always been so kind and generous with your words...if in future u get on instagram look me up ...hugs to u

  4. It is nice to see you here. I will look for you on Instagram.

  5. Very beautiful. I can't seem to grab onto instagram. I have an account but don't utilize it. Nice to see you here.

    1. i had the account for two years...its just recently that i got hang of it...its fun...if u do happen to be there...look me up...i`d love to see you there too ..hugs

  6. lovely sentiment and lovely flowers. I don't do instagram since I do not have an iphone.

    1. thanks :)..i think instagram works fine on other phones as welll...but its fine...nice to see you here :)


thank u for your comments...they always motivate me :)